A new year, a new start

Here is a new take on an old subject. Have you made a New Year’s resolution? Why do we have to have a new year occur to make such resolutions? New beginnings? A fresh start? History shows that for farmers, the new year brings a new planting season and for the hunters, the return of the herds.

If the New Year is the catalyst you need to make some real change in your business, then good for you. Remember that change begins from inside you and you will have to want to change to effect some change and more importantly, lead others through and to the changes you wish to make. .

What type of change am I speaking about?

Succession of your business.

There are two aspects to succession:

  1. ownership, and
  2. management.

Both are integral and both should be advanced at the same time…and you need time to make this work effectively.

Learn, think, apply!