I will not speak about succession today.  This is a matter that I am passionate about – the democratic right to vote.  I have voted in every election since I was 18 years of age.  I respect the rights that we enjoy and often take for granted.

Remember to vote in our Canadian federal election Monday May 2, 2011.

I think that our democracy is eroding.  The apathy of the Canadian electorate about our upcoming election is evident and we are openly hostile about this federal election. Some stats say that less than 50% of the eligible voters are expected to vote in this election.

I think that we in Canada may have reached a point of voter fatigue.  The regularity and predictability of the American elections may have some merit to avoid this voter fatigue.

Regardless, this in no way should stop anyone from exercising their democratic right.  In some countries, some electors will line up for days just for the right to vote.  Think of those in Egypt and Libya who rioted and risked their personal safety and in some cases, their lives, with the goal to overthrow their governments so that they could have more rights and freedoms, probably not even approaching the rights that we enjoy here in the west.

I will vote on May 2.  Won’t you?

Think about it.

Learn, think, apply.