Business and family relationships are like newly sprouted plants. They have to be fertilized, nurtured, with plenty of sunshine to allow them to flourish. In this fast paced Twitter and Instagram IM world, we sometimes do not take the time to ensure that we are investing in our relationships. For the family business, this is imperative. In my view, the important matters are family first, business second.

How do families promote harmony and communication? Spending some family, non-business time together, simply enjoying the time together can be greatly therapeutic promoting family harmony. A regular family vacation in a place can be a means to accomplish this. The Bush family has Kennebunkport. They regularly gather the dynasty there to share meals and conversation together. Granted, most of the world are not as financially successful as the Bush family but the point is togetherness. The location for a family gathering can be as simple as having a camping trip together. Whatever works. The regularity and time together is why this is done.

If you have school age children, think about this plan while you consider your upcoming holidays / spring break time together in 2019.

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