Does a strongly opinionated leader create an environment appropriate for succession? ‎ What style is “best” to facilitate succession? The current American election race presents a great opportunity to compare the success of markedly different styles in a very short period of time, like a social experiment.

Clinton is the consummate politician, collaborative and carefully planned. Trump is an entrepreneur, clever and able to seize on opportunities and perceived weaknesses. Either style could conceivably win this election.

For your enterprise:

– as a leader, identify what is your style‎?
– is succession of leadership and ownership considered important?
– does succession form part of the strategy and planning?

‎Succession should be part of the strategic planning for all enterprises and at all stages; for example, tech entrepreneurs throughout the rounds of financing are asked and consider their exit strategy. This takes deep thinking and will be a challenge. Do choose a strategy and direction for your succession plan: that will be a great start.

Learn, think, apply!