The headlines read:  Tim Hortons CEO Don Schroeder to exit company immediately, Paul House steps in…

“The board said it was already engaged in comprehensive succession planning for the CEO position as part of its strategic planning.”  Wow, is this a succession plan gone awry?  Why would the leader of a juggernaut suddenly quit and step away?  The usual course of events is that the CEO, a benevolent dictator, would step down, take an executive role and then share his knowledge and direction about the business with the successor, a more orderly transition.  This is not the case here.  Why?

Fortunately for Tim Hortons, the business is unstoppable and successful.  It will survive based on its momentum. See my blog on momentum and getting the ball rolling.

I will still get my double double whether or not Don Schroeder is at the helm.

Learn think apply!