This may sound somewhat “preachey”.

However, you must at some point in time, share the intimate secrets of our business with the most important person in your life, your life partner and your spouse.  Not all of us are married, not all of us have partners.  For those who do, then something can be done to strengthen your relationship.  Relationship experts say that a relationship is built on two things:

Trust and Respect.

By sharing your thoughts, wishes, hopes, dreams and concerns about your business, not the detailed thoughts and specific issues, more the strategic matters and big picture matters about your business, you will not only have a confidante but also an ally going forward.  It is common where an entrepreneur will keep everything close.  Too close.  When things go wrong, there is no person to whom the entrepreneur can turn for help, support or simply be a listening post.

Try this approach.  You will find it refreshing and relieving.

Learn, think, apply!