Summer is the time for taking some rest, relaxation and sometimes seeking adventure.

Having just returned from a 3 generation 10 day eastern Canada journey – I can now quietly reflect on the frenetic time together. This was a great opportunity for my family to enjoy the company of each other. How often can one have the rare luxury of 24/7 together.

Our oft times hectic lives do not afford this same amount of time, good and bad. The good – shared interesting experiences. The challenges: I only got us lost in each city numerous times as we blindly navigated the labyrinthine streets using our phones’ GPS, both walking and driving. All fun in hindsight which added to the adventure.

Remember in family enterprises, the main goal should be to maintain the “familiness” of our relationships, not merely do business and make money.

Have you planned your summer getaway yet?

Learn, think, apply!