You may not be here forever…you are mortal.

These are prophetic words, that I have repeated many times to business owners.  I certainly take this to heart in my own world of advisory services and ensure that there my knowledge is shared with others and I am working on becoming redundant.  This is certainly not the way that I always ran my business.  I used to think that my presence and input and involvement was integral to every micro-decision.  In the absence of my help in any matter, then bad decisions would result with potential bad outcomes.  Unfortunately, this necessitated 70+ hour weeks, throughout the year.  This worklife became tiresome after a while.  I had to learn to release control and let others take control.

There were two good outcomes from this changing and improving behaviour.  I had more time and the decisions that were made turned out to continue to be better decisions, when I nurtured along the people with whom I worked.

Delegation, a difficult task but this has become more and more of what I do day to day.

I am paid, not to do but to think, guide and direct.  The attached cartoon is a tongue in cheek look at delegation….just kidding.

I hope that you can overcome this naturally occurring aversion to delegate to others.

Relinquishing control to others is liberating and can actually help you in the succession of your business, leaving your free to spend the time that you want on the things most important to you.

Learn, think, apply!