You have to make sure that you keep the people that are important to your business, both family and key employees motivated.  Most studies conclude that employees are loyal, not only for fair pay but also because they feel:

– that they are a part of something bigger than them, and

– that what they do is important.

A 2015 article from the Harvard Business School discusses employee loyalty in a succint way….here:  Harvard Biz Review on employee loyalty

Also, in his 2009 book, Drive, which I recently read, Daniel Pink outlines what really motivates people and employees. The conclusions are surprising.

Think about it.  What have you developed in your organization as an incentive system (both financial and otherwise) that would keep these key employees engaged in your business?  For example, many organizations are jumping on the “green” bandwagon of late because it is in vogue.  This will be considered as genuine only if all of the organization believes and embraces the initiative.  When the CEO pulls out of the parking lot in the new Humvee, the green initiative becomes disingenuous.

With a strong employee base and good morale, your succession plan can be effected more efficiently with greater buy in.

Learn, think, apply.