Everyone has a different definition of success.  For me, it is not monetary, even though I am an accountant by trade.  Accountants have such a bad rap about being penny pinchers and all consumed by the almighty dollar.  This is not true.  To me, family is far more important than anything else.  Second importance is to surround myself with people that share the same values….honesty, integrity and honour.

As you embark on your succession plan, you have to think about what is important to you.  Success can come in many forms.  A measure of success could be as simple as being able to leave the business/office at an early enough time to be able to share dinner with your family.  Maybe setting aside a night on a regular basis when you can go out for a night with your special person.  Whatever it is, try to make these successes your goal and try to achieve them….regularly.

Learn, think, apply!