Momentum is a great force that takes on a life of its own.

You just have to start with your succession plan sometime, why not now?  We are all great at running our day to day businesses and the decisions that are necessary to make it function and hopefully make the company and business great.  How often do you stop, focus on the moment and look into the future, even if you are looking at tomorrow or hopefully 5 years onwards?  Probably, not often enough.  If you do, what does the future look like?  This would be like visioning.  More about visioning here:

This is a call to action.  I have provided many suggestions on how to start the succession process in previous musings.

We will go through a brief review over the next few blog entries.

I am working with a family now.  As is my usual practice, I turn the conversation, in a gentle way, to discussions about succession, which in this case is from mother to son.  Father passed on about 15 years ago.   It has been 4 years of prompting/prodding and they have yet to begin the process or even discussion about succession.  Well unfortunately, mother recently went into the hospital and her prognosis is good but this certainly was an unexpected surprise and a call to action for both of them.  I truly believe they thought that the mother would never have health issues and even at 70+ years of age would be available always to work in the business.  I will broach the succession subject with them when the mother is released from the hospital and hopefully, they will be interested to make some progress on an active succession plan that will work for them.

Succession takes time to consider and then implement.  Read my earlier post, “Ready, fire, aim.”

Learn think apply!