What are the rules?  They are certainly those societal and other norms considered acceptable in normal human interactions.  How can you take these rules and apply them to your business?  You, the leader set the tone for the business, today and into the future.  What is that tone? In 2008, greed and fear ruled wall street.  Money was being made, not to advance industry but just for the sake of making money.  We all know the unfortunate outcome of this world of excess.  Is this the environment in which you wish to operate, not only your business but your life?

It is up to you to communicate the plans, objectives and most importantly the bounds for your business.  Unlike the picture in this entry, very little in this world is black and white, right or wrong.  We all operate in the grey world of “could be right” or “could be wrong“.  In my view, a business, much like a person, has a soul, a collective soul.  This is the collective spirit of the people and their personalities that work in a business.  You should try to convey to your employees, how you wish them to operate, at a minimum within the work world.  Some companies believe that you are part of their business, not only while working but at all times.  Those boundaries are for you to determine and communicate.

What does all of this have to do with succession?  The clearer the direction (right or wrong) of a company, the stronger the business will be, with or without you.  That means your legacy can continue, when you leave the business and retire.

After all, is it not many of our life goals to leave lasting ripples on the pond of life?

Learn, think, apply!