From the outset, you should begin to assemble your team to be key players in the succession of your business.

First identify those who will play a pivotal role in the plan for succession.  It may be as few as one person, a confidante or consigliore or many (lawyer, accountant, banker, business coach).

I have spoken in some more detail about the advisor(s) in your succession team in the link below.

The team has to be focussed on you, your goals and also to provide a critical eye and comment on your plans as your progress through the succession.  Most importantly, they should communicate well amongst each other, bringing their own point of view and strengths to help you through this challenging task.

This will all take some time.  To start on this journey, you should consider identifying those whom you trust and respect and will work well together.  Then approach them individually, outline your expectations and most importantly that you respect them and their opinion and would like their help.

Good luck.

Learn, think apply.