I have been reflecting since the beginning of the year on my business.
Some brief thoughts you may consider for your family enterprise planning for 2019.

1. Operations and day to day – check
2. Short term profitability and business wins – Check

Those two are the relatively easy and operational checklist items. Now what about the longer term for the enterprise?

3. Long term focus and value building of the enterprise – Needs work
4. Succession planning for the next generation and the business succession? – Needs work

A few methods of how to advance these initiatives, once I have considered the above what and why are set out below?

– get a coach
– take time away from the day to day to ensure you consider the longer term
– set milestones
– what do the stakeholders want of or from the enterprise

This journey takes some considered thought. I am reflecting to ensure that the time I am spending is adding long term value.

What are you doing for the long term benefit of your enterprise?

Learn, think, apply!