Have you sufficient financial resources for your family?  When is enough enough?  This is a question often asked by entrepreneurs and business owners.  For many business owners, they have a belief system which includes giving back to the community…philanthropy.

Franco Lombardo, author of “Life after Wealth®: When is Enough”, wrote in an easy to read and thoughtful way about this subject.  Take a look at his website.

F Lombardo’s website

One very generous entrepreneur recently gave a significant donation, which turned out to be front page news, for research at the University of British Columbia, a $ 15,000,000 gift.  This is the latest in series of multi-million dollar gifts that he has made because of the values and beliefs upon which he was raised.  His mother’s values were:

–  You can not assure happiness for yourself unless you provide others with happiness.

–  You should love everybody,unconditionally, instead of desiring to be loved.

–  Be kind to the unkind.

You can read more about this generous individual in the link below.

Generous donor – website

All excellent maxims to live by, of course, once you have reached the point where enough is enough.

Learn, think, apply!