The enterprise is not just about making money. I hope that it has a greater purpose than that.

Much literature has studied the traditional 3 circle model for family enterprises made up of family, ownership and business. Each of these 3 parts operate in a family enterprise and with best practices balance and merge all three circles.

Today we focus on the family piece of the three circle model. Lest we forget the importance of preserving and maintaining the family. Some do forget. Throughout history, families have divided so that the business may survive but the family did not. Sad really. They did not have the assistance and foresight to head off the potential divisive differences until these differences boiled over. This is a very complicated, emotional arena.

Let me say from my limited experience, many of the challenges faced by these intra-familial differences can be overcome. How? Communication and facilitation. Talking through and the working through tough problems, not only can keep the business intact, it also can make the family enterprise’s family aspect even stronger.

Take time to reflect if there are “clouds” on the horizon to be addressed now (or soon). Experienced help certainly can be at hand if you need it.

Learn, think, apply!!