Have we been outsourcing our lives? Many of life’s less interesting tasks, considered menial, are no longer done by ourselves. We hire lawn and garden care specialists, domestic help for cleaning and cooking, mechanics to fix our vehicles. What is left for us to do, push paper, input into a computer? What happened to “chore day” which typically fell on a weekend where all family members pitched in to assist in the running of the household? This chore day had more meaning than just getting chores done. It was a time when the family gathered to collaborate and just be together. That togetherness time was valuable.

What a change this pandemic has wrought upon our lives and interactions.
With the recent lockdown, now going on 9 weeks, this family togetherness and chores has taken on a new meaning. Daily communications and meal preparation can be a chore or reshaped into an activity to be enjoyed together. The choice is all up to you and your family how you react to these unprecedented circumstances.

Clearly the parochial days of Ozzie and Harriet have passed. However this does not mean that life was better then or is better now. However we could be missing something. That something is connection through human interaction. As families, we must find new ways to connect; emotionally connect in this go go world.

Involvement. In my view, family’s are not doing activities together as much anymore. In the absence of family time, how do you share values important to you?

Responsibility. The chores previously doled out were intended to share the workload of running the household with all family members. The expectation was that the chores be done on a regular and continuous basis.

Consequences. If the chores did not get done, then those responsible had consequences. In my view, we are living in a world without consequences. This does not mean corporal punishment. It just meant that not doing the chores resulted in some implications.

Think about how one can substitute chores = responsibility in your family, even as we emerge from this stay at home time.

May you all stay safe and healthy!

Learn, think, apply!