Traditions.  What do you do to maintain them?  This blog post is not specifically related to your business.  If you are non-secular, you certainly understand rituals and traditions.  They are important to allow you to focus on the moment and become closer to your “God”/inspirational leader.  I was raised in a secular house so religion did not form a major part of my life.

How do traditions relate to your business?  If your children are destined or intended to run your business and they are the key players in your succession strategy, you have to instill in them, your beliefs around the business and more importantly your family values.  Each family is different, so I urge you to pause to reflect on what values are important to you (and your spouse).  Having a conversation with the important people in your life can further clarify your thoughts and confirms your beliefs.

I am a bit of a TV watcher and Blue Bloods, the TV police drama is one of my current favourites.  All of the family members are successful in their own way.  The patriarch of the Reagan family ensures that the family tradition of the family Sunday dinner remains intact.  Three generations of the family sit at the same table and enjoy a meal together.  Cliche as this may seem, to them it is an important tradition.

What traditions are important to you?

Passing  them onto the next generation will make your family that much stronger.

Learn think apply!