Transferring knowledge about your business takes a long time.

You have to start right away.

My suggested first step, documentation.

Your business is complicated and has lots of moving parts:

1. Suppliers

2. Employees

3. Customers

4. Production methods

5. Intellectual property

6. Accounting and record keeping systems

…and most importantly your brand.

We will elaborate more on the first 6 of these  points.  They generally are quite technical, specific to your business, and can, with sufficient time, be documented in some type of operations manual.  When I say operations manual, this may be a book, a series of programs or even a series of steps to be followed.

The last of these points, your brand, is something that is unique and special to your business and should and must be preserved to ensure that you maintain the value of your business.

Some food for thought for the weekend.

Learn, think and apply!