Does your firm have a mission statement?  Many believe that a mission statement is simply a platitude to enable the business to thinly disguise its true intent, being profit.  Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A mission can be much more than just a direction for a company.  It can be the raison d’être for why a company exists and also can provide an anchor and a destination for employees.  The illustration at the top is a tongue in cheek look at what some view as a mission statement’s rationale.

As discussed in my previous commentary, employee loyalty and buy into the firm will facilitate the continued growth as well as the ability for you to be able to implement a succession plan.  Click on the link below for an earlier post on this topic.

If you do not have a mission statement, think about beginning to develop one.  You may need outside help as this often is not a do-it-yourself project. My accounting firm took about 5 years to develop its mission statement.  The words are just words.  The intent and sentiment of the mission statement, and support of all stakeholders, are much more important. Sample mission:

“To give customers the most compelling shopping experience possible” – Nordstroms

Try it out.  It will be an interesting journey of self discovery.

Learn, think, apply.