Here are some steps and thoughts on how to approach succession

Learn more about the succession process: – read books on the subject, or by take a course.

Allow your successor to participate in business decisions: – for business decisions, allow your successor to be involved.  With more confidence, you can pass on more responsibility for important decisions to your successor.

Meet key business contacts: – introduce with a goal of establishing relationships with your successor and important customers, suppliers and other key business contacts

Allow your successor to work in different areas of the business: – get your successor directly involved in different areas of the business.  Choose these work areas with card as a learning tool.

Gradually allow your successor to assume your duties: – with time and trust, gradually pass on your responsibilities.

Clearly define roles for you and your successor: – clearly set out your responsibilities and those of your successor.

Just a few points on approaching succession for a thoughtful week.

Learn, think, apply!