In order for succession to succeed, often the rules of the game have to be clearly set out and communicated to family members.  So this means the two points have to be addressed.

First, write your thoughts down as to how family and your successors, if not family, should conduct themselves, in meetings, in interactions and with respect to the business.

Second, once you have cogently set out your rules in writing, communicate them to your future stakeholders.

With these two steps, you can then have something that sets out your expectations and also the rules so that if a person so chooses not to abide by the rules and the others are playing by the rules, then you can decide what steps/sanctions that you may have to take.

This whole approach may sound draconian and controlling.  Since this is your business and you have worked hard to establish the business, it is in your interest to set out what your expectations, hopes and desires are.  You could make this a democratic process and allow all parties to have their say but someone, namely you, have to make some hard decisions and set some parameters on how you foresee the succession taking place.

Contrast this blog with my prior blog on writing down key information about your business here:  Write it down link

Learn, think, apply!